Justcruizin’101 || class #12

During this semester I’ve learned that social networks aren’t just about keeping in touch with friends and family and sharing media content. I’ve learned how important it is in business and even politics and how if not used right it could cause a major backfire to your image or a huge positive boost. All in all, you have to be very careful when using social media for your organization.

My favorite part of blogging has been the freedom to pick your own topic and writing style. Although it’s a school assignment, personal side of it takes that a way a little and I’ve also learned by incorporating the readings and other criteria weekly.

When I lived in Europe I would travel a lot and I wrote blog posts while traveling. I was motivated to keep updated every few days, because I had something interesting to write about and my followers were waiting to read new posts. I used a travel community called waarbenjij.nu which means whereareyou.now in Dutch to update on my traveling adventures.
I hadn’t blogged in 1, 5 years (since I moved here) until now. I don’t think I will continue blogging for now, if I do it will probably be when I travel again.

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